nutscan_init_ip_ranges - Initialize contents of a nutscan_ip_range_list_t structure (and optionally create one in the first place).


        #include <nut-scan.h>

        nutscan_ip_range_list_t * nutscan_init_ip_ranges(nutscan_ip_range_list_t *irl);


The nutscan_init_ip_ranges() function can prepare a nutscan_ip_range_list_t structure by zeroing out its fields. If the argument is NULL, the structure is dynamically allocated. Either way, a pointer to it is returned.

A structure passed by caller is not assumed to have any valid contents to free, as it may have garbage from stack after allocation.

The caller must free the contents of the structure after completing its use by calling nutscan_free_ip_ranges (after which the structure can be re-used), and explicitly free() the structure object itself if it was allocated dynamically (e.g. by originally calling nutscan_init_ip_ranges(NULL)).


Technically, the function is currently defined in nutscan-ip.h file.