nutscan_display_parsable - Display the specified nutscan_device_t structure on stdout.


Two NUT websites

This version of the page reflects NUT release v2.7.4 with codebase commited 0b4bfddbc at 2016-03-09T14:24:11+01:00

Options, features and capabilities in current development (and future releases) are detailed on the main site and may differ from ones described here.

#include <nut-scan.h>
void nutscan_display_parsable(nutscan_device_t * device);


The nutscan_display_parsable() function displays all NUT devices in device to stdout. It displays them in a way that can be easily parsed which is:

<driver type>:driver="<driver name>",port="<port type>"[,<optional parameter 1>="<optional data 1>",<optional parameter 2>="<optional data 2>",…]

<driver type> may be one of USB, SNMP, XML, NUT, IPMI or AVAHI. <driver name> is the name of the driver’s binary corresponding to this device. <port type> and <optional parameter X> depend on <driver name>, see the corresponding driver’s man page.