J.5. networkupstools.org

November 2003: a new URL

The bandwidth demands of a project like this have slowly been forcing me to offload certain parts to other servers. The download links have pointed offsite for many months, and other large things like certain UPS protocols have followed. As the traffic grows, it’s clear that having the project attached to exploits.org is not going to work.

The solution was to register a new domain and set up mirrors. There are two initial web servers, with more on the way. The main project URL has changed from http://www.exploits.org/nut/ to http://www.networkupstools.org. The actual content is hosted on various mirrors which are updated regularly with rsync, so the days of dribbling bits through my DSL should be over.

This is also when all of the web pages were redesigned to have a simpler look with fewer links on the left side. The old web pages used to have 30 or more links on the top page, and most of them vanished when you dropped down one level. The links are now constant on the entire site, and the old links now live in their own groups in separate directories.