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Two NUT websites
This version of the page reflects NUT release v2.8.1 with codebase commited 4ba352d8f at 2023-10-31T21:46:20+01:00 Options, features and capabilities in current development (and future releases) are detailed on the main site and may differ from ones described here. |
This project is the result of years of work by many individuals and companies.
Many people have written or tweaked the software; the drivers, clients, server and documentation have all received valuable attention from numerous sources.
Many of them are listed within the source code, AUTHORS file, release notes, and mailing list archives, but some prefer to be anonymous. This software would not be possible without their help.
The NUT Team
Active members
Jim Klimov: project leader (since 2020), OpenIndiana and OmniOS packager, CI dev/ops and infra
Arnaud Quette: ex-project leader (from 2005 to 2020), Debian packager and jack of all trades
Charles Lepple: senior lieutenant
Daniele Pezzini: senior developer
Kjell Claesson: senior developer
Alexander Gordeev: junior developer
Michal Soltys: junior developer
David Goncalves: Python developer
Jean Perriault: web consultant
Eric S. Raymond: Documentation consultant
Roger Price: Documentation specialist
Oden Eriksson: Mandriva packager
Stanislav Brabec: Novell / SUSE packager
Michal Hlavinka: Redhat packager
Antoine Colombier: trainee
For an up to date list of NUT developers, refer to GitHub.
Retired members
Russell Kroll: Founder, and project leader from 1996 to 2005
Arjen de Korte: senior lieutenant
Peter Selinger: senior lieutenant
Carlos Rodrigues: author of the "megatec" drivers, removing the numerous drivers for Megatec / Q1 protocol. These drivers have now been replaced by blazer_ser and blazer_usb
Niels Baggesen: ported and heavily extended upscode2 to NUT 2.0 driver model
Niklas Edmundsson: has worked on 3-phase support, and upscode2 updates
Martin Loyer: has worked a bit on mge-utalk
Jonathan Dion: MGE internship (summer 2006), who has worked on configuration
Doug Reynolds: has worked on CyberPower support (powerpanel driver)
Jon Gough: has worked on porting the megatec driver to USB (megatec_usb)
Dominique Lallement: Consultant (chairman of the USB/HID PDC Forum)
Julius Malkiewicz: junior developer
Tomas Smetana: former Redhat packager (2007-2008)
Frederic Bohe: senior developer, Eaton contractor (2009-2013)
Emilien Kia: senior developer
Václav Krpec: junior developer
Supporting manufacturers
UPS manufacturers
Eaton, has been the main NUT supporter in the past, between 2007 and 2011, continuing MGE UPS SYSTEMS efforts. As such, Eaton has been:
providing extensive technical documents (Eaton protocols library),
providing units to developers of NUT and related projects,
hosting the networkupstools.org webserver (from 2007 to August 2012),
providing artwork,
promoting NUT in general,
supporting its customers using NUT.
The situation has evolved, and since 2011 Eaton does not support NUT anymore.
This may still evolve in the future.
But for now, please do not consider anymore that buying Eaton products will provide you with official support from Eaton, or a better level of device support in NUT.
AMETEK Powervar, through Andrew McCartney, has added support for all AMETEK Powervar UPM models as usb-hid UPS.
Gamatronic, through Nadav Moskovitch, has revived the sec driver (as gamatronic), and expanded a bit genericups for its UPSs with alarm interface.
EVER Power Systems added a USB HID subdriver for EVER UPSes (Sinline RT Series, Sinline RT XL Series, ECO PRO AVR CDS Series).
Microdowell, through Elio Corbolante, has created the microdowell driver to support the Enterprise Nxx/Bxx serial devices. The company also proposes NUT as an alternative to its software for Linux / Unix.
Powercom, through Alexey Morozov, has provided extensive information on its USB/HID devices, along with development units.
Riello UPS, through Massimo Zampieri, has provided all protocols information. Elio Parisi has also created riello_ser and riello_usb to support these protocols.
Tripp Lite, through Eric Cobb, has provided test results from connecting their HID-compliant UPS hardware to NUT. Some of this information has been incorporated into the NUT hardware compatibility list, and the rest of the information is available via the list archives.
NAG, through Alexey Kazancev and Igor Ryabov, has added support for SNR-UPS-LID-XXXX models as usb-hid UPS.
Ablere Electronics Co., Ltd. contributed the ablerex subdriver for blazer_usb, handling Ablerex MP, ARES Plus, MSII MSIII, GRs and GRs Plus models.
Appliances manufacturers
OpenGear has worked with NUT’s leader to successfully develop and integrate PDU support. Opengear, through Scott Burns, and Robert Waldie, has submitted several patches.
Other contributors
Pavel Korensky’s original apcd provided the inspiration for pursuing APC’s smart protocol in 1996
Eric Lawson provided scans of the OneAC protocol
John Marley used OCR software to transform the SEC protocol scans into a HTML document
Chris McKinnon scanned and converted the Fortress protocol documentation
Tank provided documentation on the Belkin/Delta protocol
Potrans provided a Fenton PowerPal 600 (P series) for development of the safenet driver.
Older entries (before 2005)
MGE UPS SYSTEMS was the previous NUT sponsor, from 2002 until its partial acquisition by Eaton. They provided protocols information, many units for development of NUT-related projects. Several drivers such as mge-utalk, mge-shut, snmp-ups, hidups, and usbhid-ups are the result of this collaboration, in addition to the WMNut, MGE HID Parser the libhid projects, … through Arnaud Quette (who was also an MGE employee). All the MGE supporters have gone with Eaton (through MGE Office Protection Systems), which was temporarily the new NUT sponsor.
Fenton Technologies contributed a PowerPal 660 to the project. Their open stance and quick responses to technical inquiries were appreciated for making the development of the fentonups driver possible. Fenton has since been acquired by Metapo.
Bo Kersey of VirCIO provided a Best Power Fortress 750 to facilitate the bestups driver.
Invensys Energy Systems provided the SOLA/Best "Phoenixtec" protocol document. SOLA has since been acquired by Eaton.
PowerKinetics technical support provided documentation on their MiniCOL protocol, which is archived in the NUT protocol library. PowerKinetics was acquired by the JST Group in June 2003.
Cyber Power Systems contributed a 700AVR model for testing and development of the cyberpower driver.
Liebert Corporation supplied serial test boxes and a UPStation GXT2 with the Web/SNMP card for development of the liebert driver and expansion of the existing snmp-ups driver. Liebert has since been acquired by Emerson.
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If a company or individual isn’t listed here, then we probably don’t have enough information about the situation. Developers are kindly requested to report vendor contributions to the NUT team so this list may reflect their help, as well as convey a sense of official support (at least, that drivers were proposed according to the know-how coming from specs and knowledge about hardware and firmware capabilities, and not acquired via reverse engineering with a certain degree of unreliability and incompleteness). If we have left you out, please send us some mail or post a pull request to update this document in GitHub. |