H.2. Optional features

--with-cgi (default: no)

Build and install the optional CGI programs, HTML files, and sample CGI configuration files. This is not enabled by default, as they are only useful on web servers. See data/html/README for additional information on how to set up CGI programs.

--with-doc=<output-format(s)>  (default: no)

Build and install NUT documentation file(s).

The possible values are "html-single" for single page HTML, "html-chunked" for multi pages HTML, "pdf" for a PDF file, and "man" for the usual manpages.

If the "--with-doc" argument is passed without a list, or lists just "=yes" or "=all", it enables all supported formats with a "=yes".

An (explicit!) "--with-doc=auto" argument tries to enable all supported formats with an "=auto".

A "--with-doc=no" quietly skips generation of all types of documentation, including manpages.

Multiple documentation format values can be specified, separated with comma. Each such value can be suffixed with "=yes" to require building of the this documentation format (abort configuration if tools are missing), "=auto" to detect and enable if we can build it on this system (and not abort if we can not), and "=no" (or "=skip") to explicitly skip generation of this document format even if we do have the tools to build it.

If a document format is mentioned in the list without a suffix, then it is treated as a "=yes" requirement.

Verbose output can be enabled using: ASCIIDOC_VERBOSE=-v make

This feature requires AsciiDoc 8.6.3 (http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc).

Example valid formats of this flag: * --with-doc * --with-doc= is a valid empty list, effectively same as --with-doc=no * --with-doc=auto * --with-doc=pdf,html-chunked * --with-doc=man=no,pdf=auto,html-single

--with-dev (default: no)

Build and install the upsclient and nutclient library and header files.

--with-all (no default)

Build and install all of the above (the serial, USB, SNMP, XML/HTTP and PowerMan drivers, the CGI programs and HTML files, and the upsclient library).

--with-ssl (default: auto-detect)
--with-nss (default: auto-detect)
--with-openssl (default: auto-detect)

Enable SSL support, using either Mozilla NSS or OpenSSL. If both are present, and nothing was specified, OpenSSL support will be preferred. Read docs/security.txt for instructions on SSL support.

--with-wrap (default: auto-detect)

Enable libwrap (tcp-wrappers) support. Refer to upsd man page for more information.

--with-ipv6 (default: auto-detect)

Enable IPv6 support.

--with-avahi (default: auto-detect)

Build and install Avahi support, to publish NUT server availability using mDNS protocol. This requires Avahi development files for the Core and Client parts.

--with-libltdl (default: auto-detect)

Enable libltdl (Libtool dlopen abstraction) support. This is required to build nut-scanner.