Being a popular baseline among Linux distributions, Debian is an important build target. Related common operating systems include Ubuntu and customized distros for Raspberry Pi, Proxmox, as well as many others.
For some (newer) distributions, apt
or other front-ends may be
preferable to apt-get
, but otherwise the commands are equivalent.
The package list below should largely apply to those as well, however note that some well-known package names tend to differ. A few of those are noted below.
While Debian distros I’ve seen (8 to 11) provide a "libusb-dev" for libusb-0.1 headers, the binary library package name is specifically versioned package by default of the current release (e.g. "libusb-0.1-4"), while names of both the library and development packages for libusb-1.0 must be determined with:
:; apt-cache search 'libusb.*1\.0.*'
yielding e.g. "libusb-1.0-0-dev" (string name was seen with different actual package source versions on both Debian 8 "Jessie" and Debian 11 "Buster").
For development on the road (or a native ARM build) you can use the
Termux project on Android. It provides
a sufficiently Debian-like operating environment for all intents and
purposes, but you may have to use their pkg
wrapper instead of apt
tooling directly, and ldd
may be in a package separate from binutils
but otherwise the Debian/Ubuntu oriented lists of packages below apply.
You would need at least a couple of gigabytes available on the internal
phone storage though, especially if using ccache
or setting up cross
The Termux distribution as of this writing seems to lack cppunit packages
but you can build it from
e.g. --with-prefix=${HOME}/nut-deps/usr
and make install
A custom PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${HOME}/nut-deps/usr/lib/pkgconfig
would find
it during NUT build.
Debian-like package installations commonly start with an update of metadata about recently published package revisions:
:; apt-get update :; apt-get install \ ccache time \ git perl curl \ make autoconf automake libltdl-dev libtool binutils \ valgrind \ cppcheck \ pkg-config \ gcc g++ clang # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; apt-get install \ gdb # NOTE: Older Debian-like distributions may lack a "libtool-bin" :; apt-get install \ libtool-bin # See comments below, python version and package naming depends on distro :; apt-get install \ python # NOTE: For python, you may eventually have to specify a variant like this # (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your distro): # :; apt-get install python2 python2.7 python-is-python2 # and/or: # :; apt-get install python3 python3.9 # You can find a list of what is (pre-)installed with: # :; dpkg -l | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # # For localization maintenance (currently in Python NUT-Monitor app), # provide an `msgfmt` implementation, e.g.: # :; apt-get install gettext # # To install the Python NUT-Monitor app, you may need some modules: # :; apt-get install pip # For Python3: # :; python3 -m pip install PyQt5 configparser # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; apt-get install \ aspell aspell-en # For other doc types (man-page, PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; apt-get install \ asciidoc source-highlight python3-pygments dblatex # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; apt-get install \ libgd-dev # Optionally for sd_notify integration: :; apt-get install \ libsystemd-dev # NOTE: Some older Debian-like distributions, could ship "libcrypto-dev" # and/or "openssl-dev" instead of "libssl-dev" by its modern name # and may lack a libgpiod2 + libgpiod-dev altogether :; apt-get install \ libcppunit-dev \ libssl-dev libnss3-dev \ augeas-tools libaugeas-dev augeas-lenses \ libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev \ libi2c-dev \ libmodbus-dev \ libsnmp-dev \ libpowerman0-dev \ libfreeipmi-dev libipmimonitoring-dev \ libavahi-common-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-client-dev # For libneon, see below # NOTE: Older Debian-like distributions may lack a "libgpiod-dev" # Others above are present as far back as Debian 7 at least :; apt-get install \ libgpiod-dev # NOTE: Some distributions lack a lua*-dev and only offer the base package :; apt-get install lua5.1 :; apt-get install lua5.1-dev || true :; apt-get install \ bash dash ksh busybox
Alternatives that can depend on your system’s other packaging choices:
:; apt-get install libneon27-dev # ... or :; apt-get install libneon27-gnutls-dev
Over time, Debian and Ubuntu had different packages and libraries providing
the actual methods for I2C; if your system lacks the libi2c
(and so fails
to ./configure --with-all
), try adding the following packages:
:; apt-get install build-essential git-core libi2c-dev i2c-tools lm-sensors
For cross-builds (note that not everything supports multilib approach,
limiting standard package installations to one or another implementation;
in that case local containers each with one ARCH may be a better choice,
with qemu-user-static
playing a role to "natively" run the other-ARCH
complete environments):
:; apt-get install \ gcc-multilib g++-multilib \ crossbuild-essential \ gcc-10:armhf gcc-10-base:armhf \ qemu-user-static
For Jenkins agents, also need to apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk-headless
You may have to ensure that /proc
is mounted in the target chroot
(or do this from the running container).
CentOS is another popular baseline among Linux distributions, being a free
derivative of the RedHat Linux, upon which many other distros are based as
well. These systems typically use the RPM package manager, using directly
command, or yum
or dnf
front-ends depending on their generation.
For CI farm container setup, prepared root filesystem archives from worked sufficiently well.
For CentOS 7 it seems that not all repositories are equally good; some of the software below is only served by EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux), as detailed at:
You may have to specify a mirror as the baseurl
in a /etc/yum.repos.d/...
file (as the aged distributions become less served by mirrors), such as:
# e.g. for CentOS7 currently: :; yum install # And edit /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo to uncomment and set the baseurl=... # lines, and comment away the mirrorlist= lines (if yum hiccups otherwise)
For systemd support on CentOS 7 (no equivalent found for CentOS 6), you can use backports repository below:
:; curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/systemd-backports-for-centos-7.repo
For CentOS 6 (the oldest I could try) the situation is similar, with sites like
detailing how to replace /etc/yum.repos.d/
contents (you can wholesale rename
the existing directory and populate a new one with curl
downloads from the
article), and additional key trust for EPEL packages:
:; yum install
Instructions below apply to both CentOS 6 and 7 (a few nuances for 6 commented).
For newer distributions, dnf
may be preferable to yum
, but otherwise the
commands are equivalent.
General developer system helpers mentioned in ci-farm-lxc-setup.txt:
:; yum update :; yum install \ sudo vim mc p7zip pigz pbzip2 tar
To have SSH access to the build VM/Container, you may have to install and enable it:
:; yum install \ openssh-server openssh-clients :; chkconfig sshd on :; service sshd start # If there are errors loading generated host keys, remove mentioned files # including the one with .pub extension and retry with: #:; service sshd restart
Below we request to install generic python
per system defaults.
You may request specifically python2
or python3
(or both): current
NUT should be compatible with both (2.7+ at least).
On CentOS, libusb
means 0.1.x and libusbx
means 1.x.x API version
(latter is not available for CentOS 6).
On CentOS, it seems that development against libi2c/smbus is not supported. Neither the suitable devel packages were found, nor i2c-based drivers in distro packaging of NUT. Resolution and doc PRs are welcome.
:; yum install \ ccache time \ file \ git perl curl \ make autoconf automake libtool-ltdl-devel libtool \ valgrind \ cppcheck \ pkgconfig \ gcc gcc-c++ clang # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; yum install \ gdb # See comments below, python version and package naming depends on distro :; yum install \ python # NOTE: For python, you may eventually have to specify a variant like this # (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your distro): # :; yum install python-2.7.5 # and/or: # :; yum install python3 python3-3.6.8 # You can find a list of what is (pre-)installed with: # :; rpm -qa | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # Note that CentOS 6 includes python-2.6.x and does not serve newer versions # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; yum install \ aspell aspell-en # For other doc types (man-page, PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; yum install \ asciidoc source-highlight python-pygments dblatex # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; yum install \ gd-devel # Optionally for sd_notify integration (on CentOS 7+, not on 6): :; yum install \ systemd-devel # NOTE: "libusbx" is the CentOS way of naming "libusb-1.0" (not in CentOS 6) # vs. the older "libusb" as the package with "libusb-0.1" :; yum install \ cppunit-devel \ openssl-devel nss-devel \ augeas augeas-devel \ libusb-devel libusbx-devel \ i2c-tools \ libmodbus-devel \ net-snmp-devel \ powerman-devel \ freeipmi-devel \ avahi-devel \ neon-devel #?# is python-augeas needed? exists at least... #?# no (lib)i2c-devel ... #?# no (lib)ipmimonitoring-devel ... would "freeipmi-ipmidetectd" cut it at least for run-time? #?# no (lib)gpio(d)-devel - starts with CentOS 8 (or extra repositories for later minor releases of CentOS 7) # Some NUT code related to lua may be currently limited to lua-5.1 # or possibly 5.2; the former is default in CentOS 7 releases... :; yum install \ lua-devel :; yum install \ bash dash ksh
is not packaged for CentOS 7 release; a static binary can
be downloaded if needed. For more details, see
CentOS packaging for 64-bit systems delivers the directory for dispatching
compiler symlinks as /usr/lib64/ccache
. You can set it up same way as for
other described environments by adding a symlink /usr/lib/ccache
:; ln -s ../lib64/ccache/ "$ALTROOT"/usr/lib/
For Jenkins agents, also need to install JDK 17 or newer, which is not
available for CentOS 6 nor 7 directly (in distribution packaging).
Alternative packaging, such as Temurin from the Adoptium project, is possible
(checked for at least CentOS 7), see
instructions for specific details. This may require updated library package
versions as dependencies from the OS distribution, so you may also have to make
sure that your /etc/yum.repos.d/*
files (certainly CentOS-Base.repo
, maybe
also CentOS-fasttrack.repo
and/or CentOS-CR.repo
) to use e.g.
lines if the mirrorlist
ones do not suffice to find living mirrors (WARNING:
the /os/
part of the URL would vary for different repository types).
Update the lower-level OS and package databases:
:; pacman -Syu
Install tools and prerequisites for NUT:
:; pacman -S --needed \ base-devel \ autoconf automake libtool libltdl \ clang gcc \ ccache \ git \ vim python perl \ pkgconf \ cppcheck valgrind # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; pacman -S --needed \ gdb # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; pacman -S --needed \ aspell en-aspell # For man-page doc types generation: :; pacman -S --needed \ asciidoc # For other doc types (PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; pacman -S --needed \ source-highlight dblatex # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; pacman -S --needed \ gd # Optionally for sd_notify integration: :; pacman -S --needed \ systemd :; pacman -S --needed \ cppunit \ openssl nss \ augeas \ libusb \ neon \ net-snmp \ freeipmi \ avahi #?# no (lib)gpio(d) :; pacman -S --needed \ lua51 :; pacman -S --needed \ bash dash busybox ksh93
Recommended for NUT CI farm integration (matching specific toolkit versions
in a build matrix), and note the unusual location of /usr/lib/ccache/bin/
for symlinks:
:; gcc --version gcc (GCC) 12.2.0 ... # Note: this distro delivers "gcc" et al as file names # so symlinks like this may erode after upgrades. # TODO: Rename and then link?.. :; (cd /usr/bin \ && for V in 12 12.2.0 ; do for T in gcc g++ cpp ; do \ ln -fsr $T $T-$V ; \ done; done) :; (cd /usr/lib/ccache/bin/ \ && for V in 12 12.2.0 ; do for T in gcc g++ ; do \ ln -fsr /usr/bin/ccache $T-$V ; \ done; done) :; clang --version clang version 14.0.6 ... :; (cd /usr/bin && ln -fs clang-14 clang++-14 && ln -fs clang-14 clang-cpp-14) :; (cd /usr/lib/ccache/bin/ \ && for V in 14 ; do for T in clang clang++ ; do \ ln -fsr /usr/bin/ccache $T-$V ; \ done; done)
Also for CI build agents, a Java environment (JDK17+ since autumn 2024) is required:
# Search for available Java versions: :; pacman -Ss | egrep 'jre|jdk' # Pick one: :; pacman -S --needed \ jre17-openjdk-headless # If needed to change default implementation, consult: :; archlinux-java help
Another long-term presence in the Linux landscape, and sometimes the baseline for appliances, the Slackware project recently hit release 15 in 2022, averaging two years per major release.
It can be installed e.g. in a VM, using ISO images from the project site; see:
You would have to first log in as root
and run cgdisk
to define partitioning
for your virtual HDD, such as the common /boot
, swap
and /
Linux layout,
and run setup
to install "everything".
Note that "out of the box" Slackware does not currently on networked package repositories and calculated dependency trees, so one has to know exactly what they want installed.
Third-party projects for package managers are also available, e.g.
⇒ see also and :
:; wget && \ installpkg slackpkg-15.0.10-noarch-1.txz
Uncomment a mirror from /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
according to your location
and other preferences (or use the top-listed default), and begin with:
:; slackpkg update
Note that packages may be only installed or re-installed/upgraded as separate explicit operations, so the procedure to bring your system into needed shape is a bit cumbersome (and each command may by default be interactive with a choice menu), e.g.:
:; for P in \ bash mc vim sudo \ ; do slackpkg info "$P" || slackpkg install $P || break ; done
For procedures below, this is automated via root
profile to become a
:; grep "slackpkg-install" ~/.profile || { echo 'slackpkg-install() { for P in "$@" ; do echo "=== $P:"; slackpkg info "$P" || slackpkg install "$P" || break ; done; }' >> ~/.profile } :; . ~/.profile
If something has a hiccup, it suggests to look for the right name, e.g.:
:; slackpkg search python
For NUT dependencies and build tools:
:; slackpkg update # Baseline toolkits: # Note there is no cppcheck, cppunit, valgrind... # Note clang compiler tools are part of llvm package :; slackpkg-install \ ccache time \ coreutils diffutils \ git python3 perl curl \ make autoconf automake libtool binutils \ pkg-config \ gcc llvm # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; slackpkg-install gdb # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; slackpkg-install aspell{,-en} # Note there is no direct "asciidoc" nor "a2x", just the competing project # "rubygem-asciidoctor" that NUT currently has no recipes for, so you can # not compile man/html/pdf docs here, per the default repository. See below # for tools from alternative repositories, which seem to work well. Man page # compilation would require docbook-xml resources; older versions are in # this package # and recent ones are in not-installed part of main repository: :; slackpkg-install linuxdoc-tools # More on Python (for NUT-Monitor UI): :; slackpkg-install \ python-pip qt5 gettext-tools gettext # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; slackpkg-install \ gd # General dependencies: :; slackpkg-install \ openssl openssl-solibs mozilla-nss \ libusb \ net-snmp \ neon # Shells: :; slackpkg-install \ bash dash ksh93
Some more packages are available on the side, including Java (useful
e.g. to make this environment into a fully fledged Jenkins worker).
Other common NUT dependencies absent from primary Slackware repositories
can be found and downloaded (seek *.txz
package files, although a few
are named *.tgz
) from here, and passed to installpkg
…and even the environment for Windows cross-builds, ancient compilers and modern toolkits to cover all bases:
FWIW, another "more official" but older Java package seems to be at:
An example routine to install the latest instance of a package could be like this:
:; wget -m -l1 && \ find . -name '*.t?z' :; installpkg ./
Note that some packages are further separated by Slackware version, e.g. with
sub-directories for 15.0
and current
:; wget -r -l1 -nd -R gif,css,jpg,html,htm --remove-listing \ :; installpkg openjdk17-17.0.12_7-x86_64-1alien.txz
Upon community members' recommendations, Sotirov’s SlackPack is also considered a reputable repository: and should cover most if not all of the dependencies required for NUT building (including PowerMan, IPMI etc.)
If setting up a CI farm agent with builds in RAM disk, keep in mind that
default mount options for /dev/shm
preclude script execution. Either set up
the agent in a non-standard fashion (to use another work area), or if this is
a dedicated machine — relax the mount options in /etc/fstab
Here is an example with noexec
which we must avoid for such use-case:
:; mount | grep /dev/shm tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,inode64)
As of 2024, this version is way beyond EOL — packages have been
removed from mirrors. A discussion at
touches on upgrades in such situation. An alternate mirror (that worked to
bump the system to openjdk17
, as of this writing in Nov 2024) can be found
at and written
into /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
similarly to existing url
Note that PATH
for builds on BSD should include /usr/local/...
:; PATH=/usr/local/libexec/ccache:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH :; export PATH
You may want to reference ccache
even before all that, as detailed
:; pkg install \ git perl5 curl \ gmake autoconf automake autotools libltdl libtool \ valgrind \ cppcheck \ pkgconf \ gcc clang # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; pkg install \ gdb # See comments below, python version and package naming depends on distro :; pkg install \ python # NOTE: For python, you may eventually have to specify a variant like this # (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your distro): # :; pkg install python2 python27 # and/or: # :; pkg install python3 python37 # You can find a list of what is (pre-)installed with: # :; pkg info | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; pkg install \ aspell en-aspell # For other doc types (man-page, PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; pkg install \ asciidoc source-highlight textproc/py-pygments dblatex # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; pkg install \ libgd :; pkg install \ cppunit \ nss \ augeas \ libmodbus \ neon \ net-snmp \ powerman \ freeipmi \ avahi # NOTE: At least on FreeBSD 12, system-provided crypto exists and is used # by libnetsnmp, libneon, etc. - but is not marked as a package. Conversely, # the openssl-1.1.1k (as of this writing) can be installed as a package into # /usr/local/lib and then causes linking conflicts. The core system-provided # build of openssl does include headers and is useful for NUT build "as is". # ONLY INSTALL THIS PACKAGE IF REQUIRED (may get problems to rectify later): :; test -e /lib/ -a -e /usr/lib/ || \ pkg install openssl :; pkg install \ lua51 :; pkg install \ bash dash busybox ksh93
:; pkg install ccache :; ccache-update-links
For compatibility with common setups on other operating systems, can symlink
as /usr/lib/ccache
and possibly add dash-number
suffixed symlinks to compiler tools (e.g. gcc-10
beside gcc10
by package).
For Jenkins agents, also need to pkg install openjdk11
(17 or 21
required since autumn 2024) — and do note its further OS configuration
suggestions for special filesystem mounts.
Due to BSD specific paths when not using an implementation of pkg-config
or pkgconf
(so guessing of flags is left to administrator — TBD in NUT
scripts), better use this routine to test the config/build:
:; ./configure --with-doc=all --with-all --with-cgi \ --without-avahi --without-powerman --without-modbus \ ### CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include" \ ### LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib"
Note the lack of pkg-config
also precludes libcppunit
tests, although
they also tend to mis-compile/mis-link with GCC (while CLANG seems okay).
Note that PATH
for builds on BSD should include /usr/local/...
:; PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH :; export PATH
You may want to reference ccache
even before all that, as detailed
OpenBSD delivers many versions of numerous packages, you should specify
your pick interactively or as part of package name (e.g. autoconf-2.69p2
For the purposes of builds with Jenkins CI agents, since summer 2022 it requires JDK11 which was first delivered with OpenBSD 6.5. Earlier iterations used OpenBSD 6.4 and version nuances in this document may still reflect that.
FIXME: Since autumn 2024, JDK17+ is required. Maybe time to EOL OpenBSD 6.x workers, or to SSH into them from a nearby machine’s Java agent?.. Alternately, consider
During builds, you may have to tell system dispatcher scripts which version to use (which feels inconvenient, but on the up-side for CI — this system allows to test many versions of auto-tools in the same agent), e.g.:
To use the
don’t forget bash
which is not part of OpenBSD
base installation. It is not required for "legacy" builds arranged by just
and configure
The OpenBSD 6.5 install65.iso
installation includes a set of packages
that seems to exceed whatever is available on network mirrors; for example,
the CD image included clang
program while it is not available to pkg_add
at least not via
mirror. The gcc
version on CD image differed notably from that in the
networked repository (4.2.x vs. 4.9.x).
You may have to echo a working base URL (part before "6.5/…" into the
file, since the old distribution is no longer served by
default site.
# Optionally, make the environment comfortable, e.g.: :; pkg_add sudo bash mc wget rsync :; pkg_add \ git curl \ gmake autoconf automake libltdl libtool \ valgrind \ cppcheck \ pkgconf \ gcc clang # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; pkg_add install \ gdb # See comments below, python version and package naming depends on distro :; pkg_add \ python # NOTE: For python, you may eventually have to specify a variant like this # (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your distro): # :; pkg_add python-2.7.15p0 py-pip # and/or: # :; pkg_add python-3.6.6p1 py3-pip # although you might succeed specifying shorter names and the packager # will offer a list of matching variants (as it does for "python" above). # NOTE: "perl" is not currently a package, but seemingly part of base OS. # You can find a list of what is (pre-)installed with: # :; pkg_info | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; pkg_add \ aspell # For other doc types (man-page, PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; pkg_add \ asciidoc source-highlight py-pygments dblatex \ docbook2x docbook-to-man # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; pkg_add \ gd :; pkg_add \ cppunit \ openssl nss \ augeas \ libusb1 \ net-snmp \ avahi # For netxml-ups driver the library should suffice; however for nut-scanner # you may currently require to add a `` symlink (the package seems # to only deliver a numbered SO library name), e.g.: :; pkg_add neon && \ if ! test -s /usr/local/lib/ ; then ln -s "`cd /usr/local/lib && ls -1* | sort -n | tail -1`" /usr/local/lib/ fi # Select a LUA-5.1 (or possibly 5.2?) version :; pkg_add \ lua :; pkg_add \ bash dash ksh93 :; pkg_add \ argp-standalone \ freeipmi
:; pkg_add ccache :; ( mkdir -p /usr/lib/ccache && cd /usr/lib/ccache && \ for TOOL in cpp gcc g++ clang clang++ clang-cpp ; do \ ln -s ../../local/bin/ccache "$TOOL" ; \ done ; \ ) :; ( cd /usr/bin && for T in gcc g++ cpp ; do ln -s "$T" "$T-4.2.1" ; done ) :; ( cd /usr/lib/ccache && for T in gcc g++ cpp ; do ln -s "$T" "$T-4.2.1" ; done ) :; ( cd /usr/bin && for T in clang clang++ clang-cpp ; do ln -s "$T" "$T-7.0.1" ; done ) :; ( cd /usr/lib/ccache && for T in clang clang++ clang-cpp ; do ln -s "$T" "$T-7.0.1" ; done )
For compatibility with common setups on other operating systems, can add
dash-number suffixed symlinks to compiler tools (e.g. gcc-4.2.1
installed by package) into /usr/lib/ccache
For Jenkins agents, also need to pkg_add jdk
(if asked, pick version
11 or 17); can request pkg_add jdk%11
. You would likely have to update
the trusted CA store to connect to NUT CI, see e.g. (raw!) download from
but ensure that you run it with bash
and it does wget
the certificates
(maybe with --no-check-certificate
option if the OS does not trust current
internet infrastructure either), and revise the suggested certificate files
vs. and/or comments to that gist.
Due to BSD specific paths when not using an implementation of pkg-config
or pkgconf
(so guessing of flags is left to administrator — TBD in NUT
scripts), better use this routine to test the config/build:
:; ./configure --with-doc=all --with-all --with-cgi \ --without-avahi --without-powerman --without-modbus \ ### CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include" ### LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib"
Note the lack of pkg-config
also precludes libcppunit
tests, although
they also tend to mis-compile/mis-link with GCC (while CLANG seems okay).
Instructions below assume that pkgin
tool (pkg-src component to
"install binary packages") is present on the system. Text below
was prepared with a VM where "everything" was installed from the
ISO image, including compilers and X11. It is possible that some
packages provided this way differ from those served by pkgin
or on the contrary, that the list of suggested tool installation
below would not include something a bare-minimum system would
require to build NUT.
Note that PATH
for builds on NetBSD should include local
; the default after installation of the test system was:
:; PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin:/usr/X11R7/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin" :; export PATH
You may want to reference ccache
even before all that,
as detailed below:
:; PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH" :; export PATH
To use the
don’t forget bash
which may be not part of NetBSD
base installation. It is not required for "legacy" builds arranged by just
and configure
Also note that the install-sh
helper added by autotools from OS-provided
resources when generating the configure
script may be old and its directory
creation mode is not safe for parallel-make
installations. If this happens,
you can work around by make MKDIRPROG="mkdir -p" install -j 8
for example.
:; pkgin install \ git perl curl \ make gmake autoconf automake libltdl libtool \ cppcheck \ pkgconf \ gcc7 clang # See comments below, python version and package naming depends on distro :; pkgin install \ python27 python39 ;; ( cd /usr/pkg/bin && ( ln -fs python2.7 python2 ; ln -fs python3.9 python3 ) ) # You can find a list of what is (pre-)installed with: # :; pkgin list | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; pkgin install \ aspell aspell-en # For man-page doc types, footprint on this platform is moderate: :; pkgin install \ asciidoc # For other doc types (PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; pkgin install \ source-highlight py39-pygments dblatex # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; pkgin install \ gd openmp :; pkgin install \ cppunit \ openssl nss \ augeas \ libusb libusb1 \ neon \ net-snmp \ avahi # Select a LUA-5.1 (or possibly 5.2?) version :; pkgin install \ lua51 :; pkgin install \ bash dash ast-ksh oksh
(TBD) On NetBSD 9.2 this package complains that it requires
OS ABI 9.0, or that CHECK_OSABI=no
is set in pkg_install.conf
Such file was not found in the test system…
:; pkgin install \ openipmi
Recommended: For compatibility with common setups on other operating
systems, can add dash-number suffixed symlinks to compiler tools (e.g.
beside the gcc
installed by package) near the original
binaries and into /usr/lib/ccache
:; ( cd /usr/bin && for TOOL in cpp gcc g++ ; do \ ln -s "$TOOL" "$TOOL-7" ; \ done ) # Note that the one delivered binary is `clang-13` and many (unnumbered) # symlinks to it. For NUT CI style of support for builds with many # compilers, complete the known numbers: :; ( cd /usr/pkg/bin && for TOOL in clang-cpp clang++ ; do \ ln -s clang-13 "$TOOL-13" ; \ done ) :; pkgin install ccache :; ( mkdir -p /usr/lib/ccache && cd /usr/lib/ccache && \ for TOOL in cpp gcc g++ clang ; do \ for VER in "" "-7" ; do \ ln -s ../../pkg/bin/ccache "$TOOL$VER" ; \ done ; \ done ; \ for TOOL in clang clang++ clang-cpp ; do \ for VER in "" "-13" ; do \ ln -s ../../pkg/bin/ccache "$TOOL$VER" ; \ done ; \ done ; \ )
For Jenkins agents, also need to pkgin install openjdk17
(will be
in JAVA_HOME=/usr/pkg/java/openjdk17
Note that due to IPS and pkg(5)
, a version of python is part of baseline
illumos-based OS; this may not be the case on some other illumos distributions
which do not use IPS however. Currently they use python 3.7 or newer.
To build older NUT releases (2.7.4 and before), you may need to explicitly
pkg install python-27
Typical tooling would include:
:; pkg install \ git curl wget \ gnu-make autoconf automake libltdl libtool \ valgrind \ pkg-config \ gnu-binutils developer/linker # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; pkg install \ gdb # NOTE: For python, some suitable version should be available since `pkg(5)` # tool is written in it. Similarly, many system tools are written in perl # so some version should be installed. You may specify additional variants # like this (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your # distro; recommended to group `pkg` calls with many packages at once to # save processing time for calculating a build strategy): # :; pkg install runtime/python-27 # and/or: # :; pkg install runtime/python-37 runtime/python-35 runtime/python-39 # Similarly for perl variants, e.g.: # :; pkg install runtime/perl-522 runtime/perl-524 runtime/perl-534 # You can find a list of what is available in remote repositories with: # :; pkg info -r | grep -Ei 'perl|python' # For spell-checking, highly recommended if you would propose pull requests: :; pkg install \ aspell text/aspell/en # For other doc types (man-page, PDF, HTML) generation - massive packages (TEX, X11): :; pkg install \ asciidoc libxslt \ docbook/dtds docbook/dsssl docbook/xsl docbook docbook/sgml-common pygments-39 \ image/graphviz expect graphviz-tcl # For CGI graph generation - massive packages (X11): :; pkg install \ gd :; pkg install \ openssl library/mozilla-nss \ library/augeas python/augeas \ libusb-1 libusbugen system/library/usb/libusb system/header/header-usb driver/usb/ugen \ libmodbus \ library/neon \ system/management/snmp/net-snmp \ system/management/powerman \ freeipmi \ avahi # With 2024.04, some packages were split for development vs. run-time # and/or based on architecture: :; pkg install \ system/library/mozilla-nss/header-nss \ library/nspr library/nspr/32 :; pkg install \ lua :; pkg install \ dash bash shell/ksh93 ### Maybe :; pkg install \ gnu-coreutils ### Maybe - after it gets fixed for GCC builds/linkage :; pkg install \ cppunit
For extra compiler coverage, we can install a large selection of versions, although to meet NUT CI farm expectations we also need to expose "numbered" filenames, as automated below:
# NOTE: not all compiler versions may be served, some are obsoleted over time. # Check current distro repository offers with: :; pkg info -r '*clang*' '*gcc*' :; pkg search -r '*bin/g++*' :; pkg search -r '*bin/clang++*' :; pkg install \ gcc-48 gcc-49 gcc-5 gcc-6 gcc-7 gcc-9 gcc-10 gcc-11 \ clang-80 clang-90 \ ccache # As of this writing, clang-13 refused to link (claiming issues with # --fuse-ld which was never specified) on OI; maybe later it will: #:; pkg install \ # developer/clang-13 runtime/clang-13 # With OI 2024.04 there's also clang-18 available in the mix, and as of # 2025 packaging, clang-19 as well: :; pkg install \ developer/clang-19 runtime/clang-19 # Get clang-cpp-X visible in standard PATH (for CI to reference the right one), # and make sure other frontends are exposed with versions (not all OI distro # releases have such symlinks packaged right), e.g.: :; (cd /usr/bin && for X in 8 9 19 ; do for T in "" "++" "-cpp"; do \ ln -fs "../clang/$X.0/bin/clang$T" "clang${T}-${X}" ; \ done; done) # If /usr/lib/ccache/ symlinks to compilers do not appear after package # installation, or if you had to add links like above, call the service: :; svcadm restart ccache-update-symlinks
We can even include a gcc-4.4.4-il
version (used to build the illumos OS
ecosystems, at least until recently, which is a viable example of an old
GCC baseline); but note that so far it conflicts with libgd
builds at
./configure --with-cgi
stage (its binaries require newer ecosystem):
:; pkg install \ illumos-gcc@4.4.4 # Make it visible in standard PATH :; (cd /usr/bin && for T in gcc g++ cpp ; do \ ln -s ../../opt/gcc/4.4.4/bin/$T $T-4.4.4 ; \ done) # If /usr/lib/ccache/ symlinks to these do not appear, call the service: :; svcadm restart ccache-update-symlinks
OI currently also does not build cppunit
-based tests well, at least
not with GCC (they segfault at run-time with ostream
issues); a CLANG
build works for that however.
It also lacks out-of-the-box Tex suite and dblatex
in particular, which
needs to build PDF documents. It may be possible to add these
from third-party repositories (e.g. SFE) and/or build from sources.
No pre-packaged cppcheck
was found, either.
For Jenkins agents, also need to pkg install runtime/java/openjdk17
for JRE/JDK 17. Java 17 or 21 is required to run Jenkins agents after
autumn 2024. If updating from older releases, you may need to update default
implementation, e.g.:
:; pkg set-mediator -V 17 java
Being a minimal-footprint system, OmniOS CE provides very few packages out of the box. There are additional repositories supported by the project, as well as third-party repositories such as SFE. For some dependencies, it may happen that you would need to roll and install your own builds in accordance with that project’s design goals.
Note you may need not just the "Core" IPS package publisher, but also the
"Extra" one. As of release 151052, it can be attached right in the installer;
otherwise the pkg (set-)publisher
commands can be used. See OmniOS CE web
site for setup details.
# Optionally, make the environment comfortable, e.g.: :; pkg install sudo bash application/mc wget rsync pigz pbzip2 p7zip top # NOTE: not all compiler versions may be served, some are obsoleted over time. # While OmniOS LTS 151046 offers a range of clang 13 to 17, current stable # includes also 18 and 19. OmniOS does not provide implicit (not numbered) # packages for clang or gcc. Check your distro repository offers with: :; pkg info -r '*clang*' '*gcc*' :; pkg search -r '*bin/g++*' :; pkg search -r '*bin/clang++*' :; pkg install \ developer/build/autoconf developer/build/automake \ developer/build/libtool library/libtool/libltdl \ build-essential ccache git developer/pkg-config \ runtime/perl \ asciidoc \ libgd \ developer/clang-17 # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; pkg install \ gdb # May be or not be provided, depending on distro age: :; pkg install \ net-snmp # For crypto-enabled builds: :; pkg install \ openssl-3 # By r151046, some packages were split for development vs. run-time; # to provide support for Mozilla NSS, you need libraries and headers: :; pkg install \ system/library/mozilla-nss \ system/library/mozilla-nss/header-nss \ library/nspr library/nspr/header-nspr # NOTE: For python, some suitable version should be available since `pkg(5)` # tool is written in it. You may specify an additional variant like this # (numbers depending on default or additional packages of your distro): # :; pkg install runtime/python-37 # You can find a list of what is available in remote repositories with: # :; pkg info -r | grep -Ei 'perl|python'
Your OmniOS version may lack a pre-packaged libusb, however the binary build from contemporary OpenIndiana can be used (copy the header files and the library+symlinks for all architectures you would need).
As of July 2022, a libusb-1
package recipe was proposed for the
repository (NUT itself and further dependencies may also
appear there, per
issue #1498),
and is available as of release 151046 and later on:
:; pkg install \ libusb-1
You may need to set up ccache
with the same /usr/lib/ccache
dir used
in other OS recipes. Assuming your Build Essentials pulled GCC 11 version,
and ccache is under /opt/ooce
namespace, that would be like:
:; GCCVER=11 :; mkdir -p /usr/lib/ccache :; cd /usr/lib/ccache :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache gcc :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache g++ :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache gcpp :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache gcc-${GCCVER} :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache g++-${GCCVER} :; ln -fs ../../../opt/ooce/bin/ccache gcpp-${GCCVER}
Given that many of the dependencies can get installed into that namespace,
you may have to specify where pkg-config
will look for them (note that
library and binary paths can be architecture bitness-dependent; the
script should take care of this for many scenarios):
:; ./configure PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/ooce/lib/amd64/pkgconfig" --with-cgi
You may also have to fiddle with either LD_LIBRARY_PATH
, crle (-c)
./configure --with-something-libs
options to compensate for lack of -R
linker options in the pkg-config
information provided by that repository:
by default the NUT programs can build with the information they get, but
fail to find the needed shared objects at run-time. More about this situation
is tracked at
Note also that the minimal footprint nature of OmniOS CE precludes building any large scope easily, so avoid docs and "all drivers" unless you provide whatever they need to happen.
For Jenkins agents, also need to pkg install runtime/java/openjdk21
for JRE/JDK 17. Java 17 or 21 is required to run Jenkins agents after
autumn 2024. If updating from older releases, you may need to update default
implementation, e.g.:
:; pkg set-mediator -V 21 java
Builds for a platform as old as this are not currently covered by regular NUT CI farm runs, however since the very possibility of doing this was recently verified, some notes follow.
For context: Following a discussion in the mailing list starting at and followed up by GitHub issues and PR:
…recent NUT codebase was successfully built and self-tested in a Solaris 8 x86 VM (a circa 2002 release), confirming the project’s adherence to the goal that if NUT ran on a platform earlier, so roughly anything POSIX-ish released this millennium and still running, it should still be possible — at least as far as our part of equation is concerned.
That said, platform shows its age vs. later standards (script interpreters and other tools involved), and base "complete install" lacked compilers, so part of the tested build platform setup involved third-party provided package repositories.
One helpful project was extensive notes about preparation of the Solaris 8 VM (and our further comments there), which pointed to the still active "tgcware" repository and contains scripts to help prepare the freshly installed system:
Note that scripts attached to the notes refer to older versions of the packages than what is currently published, so I ended up downloading everything from the repository into the VM and using shell wildcards to pick the packages to install (mind the package families with similar names when preparing such patterns).
After the OS, tools and feasible third-party dependencies were installed, certain environment customization was needed to prepare for NUT build in particular (originally detailed in GitHub issues linked above):
, system dtksh
seems to support the syntax (unlike
default /bin/sh
), but for some reason segfaults during configure
Alternatively /usr/tgcware/bin/bash
(4.4-ish) can be used successfully.
System-provided bash 2.x is too old for these scripts.
CI/dev-testing helper script, either the shebang
should be locally fixed to explicitly call /usr/tgcware/bin/bash
, or
the build environment’s PATH
should point to this bash
as a first hit. If we want to primarily use OS-provided tools, this latter
option may need a bit of creative setup; I made a symlink into the
directory which has to be first anyway (before compilers).
lacks the -E
option which was preferred
over generally obsoleted egrep
PR #1660 — however
pre-pending /usr/xpg4/bin
early in the PATH
fixes the problem.
in TGCWARE repository were picky about shared objects
linking as needed to run them, so LD_LIBRARY_PATH
had to refer to its
library directories (generally this is frowned upon and should be a last
Overall, the successful test build using the NUT standard CI helper script
had the following shell session settings:
### Common pre-sets from .profile or .bashrc: ### bash-2.03$ echo $PATH ### /usr/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/tgcware/bin:/usr/tgcware/gnu:/usr/tgcware/gcc42/bin:/usr/tgcware/i386-pc-solaris2.8/bin ### bash-2.03$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ### /usr/lib:/usr/tgcware/lib:/usr/tgcware/gcc42/lib:/usr/tgcware/i386-pc-solaris2.8/lib ### Further tuning for the build itself: :; git clean -fffdddxxx :; CONFIG_SHELL=/usr/tgcware/bin/bash \ WITHOUT_NUT_AUGEAS=true \ PATH="/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH" \ /usr/tgcware/bin/bash ./
Some CI tests happen on MacOS using a mix of their default xcode environment
for compilers, and Homebrew community packaging for dependencies (including
since the system one is too old for
script syntax).
See .travis.yml
and .circleci/config.yml
for practical details of the
setup, and if you want to install it on your MacOS system
(note that its default packaged locations known as HOMEBREW_PREFIX
depending on architecture — see for more
details; find via brew config | grep HOMEBREW_PREFIX: | awk '{print $2}'
The quickest pre-configuration for
integration with this
non-default build system would be to add this line into your shell profile:
eval "$(brew shellenv)"
Homebrew is not the only build/packaging system available for MacOS,
so NUT scripts do not make any assumptions nor try to find a build system
they were not told about (via HOMEBREW_PREFIX
in this case).
Currently known dependencies for basic build include:
# Optional for a quick spin: :; HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1; export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE # Required: :; brew install ccache bash libtool binutils autoconf automake git m4 \ pkg-config aspell asciidoc docbook-xsl cppunit gd \ libusb neon net-snmp \ nss openssl \ libmodbus freeipmi powerman # To debug eventual core dump files, or trace programs with an IDE like # NetBeans (perhaps remotely), you may want the GNU Debugger program: :; brew install gdb # Recommended: :; brew install curl wget midnight-commander
for asciidoc
to work, you should export XML_CATALOG_FILES
the location of packaged resources (${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/xml/catalog
On one test system, man page builds spewed warnings like
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\S'
due to incompatibility of older asciidoc with new Python syntax requirements,
but seemed to produce reasonable results otherwise.
Note that ccache
is installed in a different location than expected by default
in the
script, so if your system allows to add the symbolic link
to /opt/homebrew/opt/ccache/libexec
on x86)
as /usr/lib/ccache
— please do so as the easiest way out.
Alternatively, to prepare building sessions with
you can:
:; export CI_CCACHE_SYMLINKDIR="/opt/homebrew/opt/ccache/libexec" ### ...or for x86 builders: #:; export CI_CCACHE_SYMLINKDIR="/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec"
For Jenkins agents, also need to brew install --cask temurin@21
for JRE/JDK 21. Java 17 or 21 (an LTS) is required to run Jenkins agents
after summer 2024.
The compiler is part of Apple’s XCode ecosystem. Just try to run clang
in a GUI terminal, and a pop-up will appear offering to install it.
Note that you would have to create symbolic links to version-numbered names
of compilers, e.g. clang-14
and clang++-14
in both /usr/local/bin
(pointing to /bin/clang(++)
and in the ccache
location prepared above
(pointing to ../bin/ccache
), and repeat that in locations prepared by
XCode installation such as /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/
and /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Homebrew/shims/mac/super/
just as
ln -s clang{,-14} ; ln -s clang++{,-14}
. Apparently clang
is the
only compiler available; various names of gcc*
are links to the same
Take care to NOT symlink a clang-cpp(-14)
which is not a
name recognized by XCode dispatcher program, so requests to it freeze.
On a machine dedicated to CI purposes, it may be wise to disable Spotlight
search indexing with sudo mdutil -a -i off
, disable active desktop themes,
etc. (normally you would not even log in interactively).
For scratch workers (VMs) also consider going to System Preferences ⇒ Software Updates ⇒ Advanced, and un-checking all the boxes (disable the overheads of pulling in the updates you won’t remember in an hour anyway).
If you eventually find that the kernel_task
consumes a lot of CPU, this
is usually the system’s way of throttling (scheduling A LOT of high-priority
no-op cycles to preempt any other workload). In this case please investigate
cooling and hardware compatibility (especially in a VM), or find and follow
community documentation about neutering IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext
(probably not on the bare-metal MacOS instance — find the cooling problem
there instead).
There have been several attempts to adjust NUT codebase to native builds for Windows, as well as there are many projects helping to produce portable programs.
Further TODO for Windows would include:
Native mingw, MSYS2, etc. builds on Windows are known to suffer from
interaction with antivirus software which holds executable files open and
so not writable by the linker. This may cause random steps in the configure
script or later during the build to fail. If that happens to you, disable the
antivirus completely or exempt at least the NUT build area from protection.
See scripts/Windows/README.adoc
for original recommendations for the effort,
including possibilities of cross-builds with mingw available in Linux.
Unfortunately these did not work for me at the time of testing, yielding some issues downloading mingw both in Windows and Linux environments. So I explored other downloads, as detailed below.
See also:
Seems the mingw installer has problems with current authentication
and redirect on SourceForge. You can download and unpack 7z archives from
into e.g. C:\Progra~1\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-release-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0
location on your Windows system. Then for building further NUT dependencies
see scripts/Windows/README.adoc
The MSYS2 ecosystem is available at and builds upon
earlier work by MinGW-w64 (in turn a fork
of (aka mingw-w32))
and Cygwin projects, to name a few related efforts.
It also includes pacman
similar to that in Arch Linux for easier dependency
installation, and many packages are available "out of the box" this way.
The project is currently sponsored by Microsoft and seems to be supported by Visual Studio Code IDE for building and debugging projects, for more details see
Notable pages of the project include:
After downloading and installing MSYS2 archive for the first time, they suggest to start by updating the base ecosystem (using their terminal):
:; pacman -Syu
Wait for metadata and base package downloads, agree that all MSYS2 programs including your terminal would be closed/restarted, and wait for this stage to complete.
Run it again to refresh more of the ecosystem, now without restarting it:
:; pacman -Syu
Finally, install tools and prerequisites for building NUT; note that some
of the recommended package names are "umbrellas" for several implementations,
and the pacman
would ask you which (or "all") to install in those cases.
Suggestions below use x86_64
generic variants where possible, and
where available to try both build toolkits on the platform. If you
want to build i686
(32-bit) or alternate backends (e.g. ucrt
of default msvcrt
), poke the repository search to see what is available.
To build NUT with
(and generally — to help configure
script find the dependencies listed below), start the terminal session with
"MSYS2 MinGW x64" shortcut. Other options set up the environment variables
for toolkits listed in their shortcut names, and so tend to prefer "wrong"
flags and paths to dependencies (if you have several variants installed).
The "MSYS2 MinGW UCRT x64" was also reported to work.
To avoid toolkit variant mismatches, you may require to use their specific builds preferentially:
PATH="/mingw64/bin:$PATH" export PATH
…and also add these lines to the ~/.bashrc
# This covers most of the common FOSS development baseline, including # python, perl, autotools, gcc, clang, git, binutils, make, pkgconf... :; pacman -S --needed \ base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain \ autoconf-wrapper automake-wrapper libtool mingw-w64-x86_64-libltdl \ clang gcc \ ccache mingw-w64-x86_64-ccache \ git aspell aspell-en \ vim python \ mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pygments # PThreads come as an extra feature; note there are many variants, # see :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-winpthreads-git \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-winpthreads-git # Note that MSYS2 includes libusb-1.0 "natively" # The NUT codebase adjustments for Windows might at this moment expect older # ecosystem via -- subject to fix then. :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libusb # Seems that the older libusb-win32 (libusb-0.1) is also available as: :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb-win32 \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libusb-win32 # Alternately there is libusb-compat (libusb-1.0 codebase exposing the older # libusb-0.1 API) which SHOULD NOT be installed along with the real libusb-0.1: # :; pacman -S --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-libusb-compat-git mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libusb-compat-git # This also pulls *-devel of several other projects: :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-neon libneon-devel # Other dependencies: :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-libmodbus-git \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libmodbus-git \ mingw-w64-x86_64-libgd \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-libgd # For C++ tests: :; pacman -S --needed \ mingw-w64-x86_64-cppunit \ mingw-w64-clang-x86_64-cppunit
wrapper scripts are available as e.g. /mingw64/lib/ccache/bin/gcc
and lack a set for clang
tools; easy-peasy fix with:
:; cd /mingw64/lib/ccache/bin :; for T in clang clang++ clang-cpp ; do sed "s/gcc/$T/" < gcc > "$T" ; chmod +x "$T" ; done
Note that default ccache
seems quirky on Windows MSYS2, possibly due to
mixing of the path separator characters and/or embedding and choking on
the C:
in path names. Overall it seems unable to create the cache files
after it has created the cache directory tree (though you might have to
pre-create the ${HOME}/.ccache
anyway, as NUT
script does.
As found in experimentation, setting the PATH
consistently for toolkits
involved is very important.
Notable packages not found in the repo:
document now covers building it from source in MSYS2 MinGW x64 environment,
essentially same as for Linux cross builds with proper ARCH
script support was added by
the Windows branch); MSYS2 however includes libpcre
pulled by some
of the dependencies above…
Not installed above (yet?):
Note that ccache
symlinks for MSYS2 are installed into /usr/lib/ccache/bin
directory (not plain /usr/lib/ccache
as elsewhere).
After you successfully build NUT (perhaps using
), if you
install it into a prototype area by make DESTDIR=... install
then you should
add the third-party shared libraries involved, for that file set to be usable.
Something along these lines:
:; find "$DESTDIR" -name '*.exe' -type f | while read F ; do ldd "$F" \ | grep ' /mingw64/' ; done | awk '{print $3}' | sort | uniq \ | while read LIB ; do cp -pf "$LIB" "$DESTDIR/mingw64/bin/" ; done
Keep in mind that a similar trick (or links to *.dll
— and symlinks are
problematic on that platform) may be needed in other directories, such as
and cgi-bin
:; ( cd "$DESTDIR/mingw64/bin/" && ln *.dll ../sbin && ln *.dll ../cgi-bin )