L.1. Setting up the multi-arch Linux LXC container farm for NUT CI

Due to some historical reasons including earlier personal experience, the Linux container setup implemented as described below was done with persistent LXC containers wrapped by LIBVIRT for management. There was no particular use-case for systems like Docker (and no firepower for a Kubernetes cluster) in that the build environment intended for testing non-regression against a certain release does not need to be regularly updated — its purpose is to be stale and represent what users still running that system for whatever reason (e.g. embedded, IoT, corporate) have in their environments.

Common preparations

  • Example list of packages for Debian-based systems may include (not necessarily is limited to):

    :; apt install lxc lxcfs lxc-templates \
        ipxe-qemu qemu-kvm qemu-system-common qemu-system-data \
        qemu-system-sparc qemu-system-x86 qemu-user-static qemu-utils \
        virt-manager virt-viewer virtinst ovmf \
        libvirt-daemon-system-systemd libvirt-daemon-system \
        libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu \
        libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter \
        libvirt-daemon libvirt-clients
    # TODO: Where to find virt-top - present in some but not all releases?
    # Can fetch sources from https://packages.debian.org/sid/virt-top and follow
    # https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/debian/build-packages-from-source
    # Be sure to use 1.0.x versions, since 1.1.x uses a "better-optimized API"
    # which is not implemented by libvirt/LXC backend.


    This claims a footprint of over a gigabyte of new packages when unpacked and installed to a minimally prepared OS. Much of that would be the graphical environment dependencies required by several engines and tools.

  • Prepare LXC and LIBVIRT-LXC integration, including an "independent" (aka "masqueraded) bridge for NAT, following https://wiki.debian.org/LXC and https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/SimpleBridge

    • For dnsmasq integration on the independent bridge (lxcbr0 following the documentation examples), be sure to mention:

      • LXC_DHCP_CONFILE="/etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf" in /etc/default/lxc-net
      • dhcp-hostsfile=/etc/lxc/dnsmasq-hosts.conf in/as the content of /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf
      • touch /etc/lxc/dnsmasq-hosts.conf which would list simple name,IP pairs, one per line (so one per container)
      • systemctl restart lxc-net to apply config (is this needed after setup of containers too, to apply new items before booting them?)
      • For troubleshooting, see /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases (in some cases you may have to rename it away and reboot host to fix IP address delegation)
  • Install qemu with its /usr/bin/qemu-*-static and registration in /var/lib/binfmt
  • Prepare an LVM partition (or preferably some other tech like ZFS) as /srv/libvirt and create a /srv/libvirt/rootfs to hold the containers
  • Prepare /home/abuild on the host system (preferably in ZFS with lightweight compression like lz4 — and optionally, only if the amount of available system RAM permits, with deduplication; otherwise avoid it); account user and group ID numbers are 399 as on the rest of the CI farm (historically, inherited from OBS workers)

    • It may help to generate an ssh key without a passphrase for abuild that it would trust, to sub-login from CI agent sessions into the container. Then again, it may be not required if CI logs into the host by SSH using authorized_keys and an SSH Agent, and the inner ssh client would forward that auth channel to the original agent.

      abuild$ ssh-keygen
      # accept defaults
      abuild$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
      abuild$ chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Edit the root (or whoever manages libvirt) ~/.profile to default the virsh provider with:

  • If host root filesystem is small, relocate the LXC download cache to the (larger) /srv/libvirt partition:

    :; mkdir -p /srv/libvirt/cache-lxc
    :; rm -rf /var/cache/lxc
    :; ln -sfr /srv/libvirt/cache-lxc /var/cache/lxc
    • Maybe similarly relocate shared /home/abuild to reduce strain on rootfs?

Setup a container

Note that completeness of qemu CPU emulation varies, so not all distros can be installed, e.g. "s390x" failed for both debian10 and debian11 to set up the openssh-server package, or once even to run /bin/true (seems to have installed an older release though, to match the outdated emulation?)

While the lxc-create tool does not really specify the error cause and deletes the directories after failure, it shows the pathname where it writes the log (also deleted). Before re-trying the container creation, this file can be watched with e.g. tail -F /var/cache/lxc/.../debootstrap.log


You can find the list of LXC "template" definitions on your system by looking at the contents of the /usr/share/lxc/templates/ directory, e.g. a script named lxc-debian for the "debian" template. You can see further options for each "template" by invoking its help action, e.g.:

:; lxc-create -t debian -h
Initial container installation (for various guest OSes)
  • Install containers like this:

    :; lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
        -n jenkins-debian11-mips64el -t debian -- \
        -r bullseye -a mips64el
    • to specify a particular mirror (not everyone hosts everything —  so if you get something like "E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-mips/Packages" then see https://www.debian.org/mirror/list for details, and double-check the chosen site to verify if the distro version of choice is hosted with your arch of choice):

      :; MIRROR="http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/" \
         lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
          -n jenkins-debian10-mips -t debian -- \
          -r buster -a mips
    • …or for EOLed distros, use the Debian Archive server.

      • Install the container with Debian Archive as the mirror like this:

        :; MIRROR="http://archive.debian.org/debian-archive/debian/" \
           lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
            -n jenkins-debian8-s390x -t debian -- \
            -r jessie -a s390x
      • Note you may have to add trust to their (now expired) GPG keys for packaging to verify signatures made at the time the key was valid, by un-symlinking (if appropriate) the debootstrap script such as /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jessie, commenting away the keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg line and setting keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-removed-keys.gpg instead. You may further have to edit /usr/share/debootstrap/functions and/or /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-debian to honor that setting (the releasekeyring was hard-coded in version I had installed), e.g. in the latter file ensure such logic as below, and re-run the installation:

            # If debian-archive-keyring isn't installed, fetch GPG keys directly
            releasekeyring="`grep -E '^keyring ' "/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/$release" | sed -e 's,^keyring ,,' -e 's,[ #].*$,,'`" 2>/dev/null
            if [ -z $releasekeyring ]; then
            if [ ! -f $releasekeyring ]; then
    • …Alternatively, other distributions can be used (as supported by your LXC scripts, typically in /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts), e.g. Ubuntu:

      :; lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
          -n jenkins-ubuntu1804-s390x -t ubuntu -- \
          -r bionic -a s390x
    • For distributions with a different packaging mechanism from that on the LXC host system, you may need to install corresponding tools (e.g. yum4, rpm and dnf on Debian hosts for installing CentOS and related guests). You may also need to pepper with symlinks to taste (e.g. yum => yum4), or find a pacman build to install Arch Linux or derivative, etc. Otherwise, you risk seeing something like this:

      root@debian:~# lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
          -n jenkins-centos7-x86-64 -t centos -- \
          -R 7 -a x86_64
      Host CPE ID from /etc/os-release:
      'yum' command is missing
      lxc-create: jenkins-centos7-x86-64: lxccontainer.c:
        create_run_template: 1616 Failed to create container from template
      lxc-create: jenkins-centos7-x86-64: tools/lxc_create.c:
        main: 319 Failed to create container jenkins-centos7-x86-64

      Note also that with such "third-party" distributions you may face other issues; for example, the CentOS helper did not generate some fields in the config file that were needed for conversion into libvirt "domxml" (as found by trial and error, and comparison to other config files):

      lxc.uts.name = jenkins-centos7-x86-64
      lxc.arch = x86_64

      Also note the container/system naming without underscore in "x86_64" —  the deployed system discards the character when assigning its hostname. Using "amd64" is another reasonable choice here.

    • For Arch Linux you would need pacman tools on the host system, so see https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Install_Arch_Linux_from_existing_Linux#Using_pacman_from_the_host_system for details. On a Debian/Ubuntu host, assumed ready for NUT builds per Prerequisites for building NUT on different OSes (or docs/config-prereqs.txt in NUT sources for up-to-date information), it would start like this:

      :; apt-get update
      :; apt-get install meson ninja-build cmake
      # Some dependencies for pacman itself; note there are several libcurl builds;
      # pick another if your system constraints require you to:
      :; apt-get install libarchive-dev libcurl4-nss-dev gpg libgpgme-dev
      :; git clone https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.git
      :; cd pacman
      # Iterate something like this until all needed dependencies fall
      # into line (note libdir for your host architecture):
      :; rm -rf build; mkdir build && meson build --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
      :; ninja -C build
      # Depending on your asciidoc version, it may require that `--asciidoc-opts` are
      # passed as equation to a vale (not space-separated from it). Then apply this:
      #   diff --git a/doc/meson.build b/doc/meson.build
      #   -      '--asciidoc-opts', ' '.join(asciidoc_opts),
      #   +      '--asciidoc-opts='+' '.join(asciidoc_opts),
      # and re-run (meson and) ninja.
      # Finally when all succeeded:
      :; sudo ninja -C build install
      :; cd

      You will also need pacstrap and Debian arch-install-scripts package does not deliver it. It is however simply achieved:

      :; git clone https://github.com/archlinux/arch-install-scripts
      :; cd arch-install-scripts
      :; make && sudo make PREFIX=/usr install
      :; cd

      It will also want an /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist which you can populate for your geographic location from https://archlinux.org/mirrorlist/ service, or just fetch them all (don’t forget to uncomment some Server = lines):

      :; mkdir -p /etc/pacman.d/
      :; curl https://archlinux.org/mirrorlist/all/ > /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

      And to reference it from your host /etc/pacman.conf by un-commenting the [core] section and Include instruction, as well as adding [community] and [extra] sections with same reference, e.g.:

      ### SigLevel = Never
      SigLevel = PackageRequired
      Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
      ### SigLevel = Never
      SigLevel = PackageRequired
      Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
      ### SigLevel = Never
      SigLevel = PackageRequired
      Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

      And just then you can proceed with LXC:

      :; lxc-create -P /srv/libvirt/rootfs \
          -n jenkins-archlinux-amd64 -t archlinux -- \
          -a x86_64 -P openssh,sudo

      In my case, it had problems with GPG keyring missing (using one in host system, as well as the package cache outside the container, it seems) so I had to run pacman-key --init; pacman-key --refresh-keys on the host itself. Even so, lxc-create complained about updating some keyring entries and I had to go one by one picking key servers (serving different metadata) like this:

      :; pacman-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 6D1655C14CE1C13E

      In the worst case, see SigLevel = Never for pacman.conf to not check package integrity (seems too tied into thinking that host OS is Arch)…

      It seems that pre-fetching the package databases with pacman -Sy on the host was also important.

Initial container-related setup
  • Add the "name,IP" line for this container to /etc/lxc/dnsmasq-hosts.conf on the host, e.g.:



    Don’t forget to eventually systemctl restart lxc-net to apply the new host reservation!

  • Convert a pure LXC container to be managed by LIBVIRT-LXC (and edit config markup on the fly — e.g. fix the LXC dir:/ URL schema):

    :; virsh -c lxc:///system domxml-from-native lxc-tools \
        /srv/libvirt/rootfs/jenkins-debian11-armhf/config \
        | sed -e 's,dir:/srv,/srv,' \
        > /tmp/x && virsh define /tmp/x


    You may want to tune the default generic 64MB RAM allocation, so your launched QEMU containers are not OOM-killed as they exceeded their memory cgroup limit. In practice they do not eat that much resident memory, just want to have it addressable by VMM, I guess (swap is not very used either), at least not until active builds start (and then it depends on compiler appetite and make program parallelism level you allow, e.g. by pre-exporting MAXPARMAKES environment variable for ci_build.sh, and on the number of Jenkins "executors" assigned to the build agent).

    • It may be needed to revert the generated "os/arch" to x86_64 (and let QEMU handle the rest) in the /tmp/x file, and re-try the definition:

      :; virsh define /tmp/x
  • Then execute virsh edit jenkins-debian11-armhf (and same for other containers) to bind-mount the common /home/abuild location, adding this tag to their "devices":

        <filesystem type='mount' accessmode='passthrough'>
          <source dir='/home/abuild'/>
          <target dir='/home/abuild'/>
    • Note that generated XML might not conform to current LXC schema, so it fails validation during save; this can be bypassed with i when it asks. One such case was however with indeed invalid contents, the "dir:" schema removed by example above.

Shepherd the herd

  • Monitor deployed container rootfs’es with:

    :; du -ks /srv/libvirt/rootfs/*

    (should have non-trivial size for deployments without fatal infant errors)

  • Mass-edit/review libvirt configurations with:

    :; virsh list --all | awk '{print $2}' \
       | grep jenkins | while read X ; do \
         virsh edit --skip-validate $X ; done
    • …or avoid --skip-validate when markup is initially good :)
  • Mass-define network interfaces:

    :; virsh list --all | awk '{print $2}' \
       | grep jenkins | while read X ; do \
         virsh dumpxml "$X" | grep "bridge='lxcbr0'" \
         || virsh attach-interface --domain "$X" --config \
            --type bridge --source lxcbr0 ; \
  • Verify that unique MAC addresses were defined (e.g. 00:16:3e:00:00:01 tends to pop up often, while 52:54:00:xx:xx:xx are assigned to other containers); edit the domain definitions to randomize, if needed:

    :; grep 'mac add' /etc/libvirt/lxc/*.xml | awk '{print $NF" "$1}' | sort
  • Make sure at least one console device exists (end of file, under the network interface definition tags), e.g.:

        <console type='pty'>
          <target type='lxc' port='0'/>
  • Populate with abuild account, as well as with the bash shell and sudo ability, reporting of assigned IP addresses on the console, and SSH server access complete with envvar passing from CI clients by virtue of ssh -o SendEnv='*' container-name:

    :; for ALTROOT in /srv/libvirt/rootfs/*/rootfs/ ; do \
        echo "=== $ALTROOT :" >&2; \
        grep eth0 "$ALTROOT/etc/issue" || ( printf '%s %s\n' \
            '\S{NAME} \S{VERSION_ID} \n \l@\b ;' \
            'Current IP(s): \4{eth0} \4{eth1} \4{eth2} \4{eth3}' \
            >> "$ALTROOT/etc/issue" ) ; \
        grep eth0 "$ALTROOT/etc/issue.net" || ( printf '%s %s\n' \
            '\S{NAME} \S{VERSION_ID} \n \l@\b ;' \
            'Current IP(s): \4{eth0} \4{eth1} \4{eth2} \4{eth3}' \
            >> "$ALTROOT/etc/issue.net" ) ; \
        groupadd -R "$ALTROOT" -g 399 abuild ; \
        useradd -R "$ALTROOT" -u 399 -g abuild -M -N -s /bin/bash abuild \
        || useradd -R "$ALTROOT" -u 399 -g 399 -M -N -s /bin/bash abuild \
        || { if ! grep -w abuild "$ALTROOT/etc/passwd" ; then \
                echo 'abuild:x:399:399::/home/abuild:/bin/bash' \
                >> "$ALTROOT/etc/passwd" ; \
                echo "USERADDed manually: passwd" >&2 ; \
             fi ; \
             if ! grep -w abuild "$ALTROOT/etc/shadow" ; then \
                echo 'abuild:!:18889:0:99999:7:::' >> "$ALTROOT/etc/shadow" ; \
                echo "USERADDed manually: shadow" >&2 ; \
             fi ; \
           } ; \
        if [ -s "$ALTROOT/etc/ssh/sshd_config" ]; then \
            grep 'AcceptEnv \*' "$ALTROOT/etc/ssh/sshd_config" || ( \
                ( echo "" ; \
                  echo "# For CI: Allow passing any envvars:"; \
                  echo 'AcceptEnv *' ) \
                >> "$ALTROOT/etc/ssh/sshd_config" \
            ) ; \
        fi ; \

    Note that for some reason, in some of those other-arch distros useradd fails to find the group anyway; then we have to "manually" add them.

  • Let the host know and resolve the names/IPs of containers you assigned:

    :; grep -v '#' /etc/lxc/dnsmasq-hosts.conf \
       | while IFS=, read N I ; do \
        getent hosts "$N" >&2 || echo "$I $N" ; \
       done >> /etc/hosts

Further setup of the containers

See NUT docs/config-prereqs.txt about dependency package installation for Debian-based Linux systems.

It may be wise to not install e.g. documentation generation tools (or at least not the full set for HTML/PDF generation) in each environment, in order to conserve space and run-time stress.

Still, if there are significant version outliers (such as using an older distribution due to vCPU requirements), it can be installed fully just to ensure non-regression — e.g. that when adapting Makefile rule definitions or compiler arguments to modern toolkits, we do not lose the ability to build with older ones.

For this, chroot from the host system can be used, e.g. to improve the interactive usability for a population of Debian(-compatible) containers (and to use its networking, while the operating environment in containers may be not yet configured or still struggling to access the Internet):

:; for ALTROOT in /srv/libvirt/rootfs/*/rootfs/ ; do \
    echo "=== $ALTROOT :" ; \
    chroot "$ALTROOT" apt-get install \
        sudo bash vim mc p7zip p7zip-full pigz pbzip2 git \
   ; done

Similarly for yum-managed systems (CentOS and relatives), though specific package names can differ, and additional package repositories may need to be enabled first (see config-prereqs.txt for more details such as recommended package names).

Note that technically (sudo) chroot ... can also be used from the CI worker account on the host system to build in the prepared filesystems without the overhead of running containers as complete operating environments with any standard services and several copies of Jenkins agent.jar in them.

Also note that externally-driven set-up of some packages, including the ca-certificates and the JDK/JRE, require that the /proc filesystem is usable in the chroot environment. This can be achieved with e.g.:

:; for ALTROOT in /srv/libvirt/rootfs/*/rootfs/ ; do \
    for D in proc ; do \
      echo "=== $ALTROOT/$D :" ; \
      mkdir -p "$ALTROOT/$D" ; \
      mount -o bind,rw "/$D" "$ALTROOT/$D" ; \
    done ; \

TODO: Test and document a working NAT and firewall setup for this, to allow SSH access to the containers via dedicated TCP ports exposed on the host.

Arch Linux containers

Arch Linux containers prepared by procedure above include only a minimal footprint, and if you missed the -P pkg,list argument, they can lack even an SSH server. Suggestions below assume this path to container:

:; ALTROOT=/srv/libvirt/rootfs/jenkins-archlinux-amd64/rootfs/

Let pacman know current package database:

:; grep $ALTROOT/etc/resolv.conf || (echo 'nameserver' > $ALTROOT/etc/resolv.conf)
:; chroot $ALTROOT pacman -Syu
:; chroot $ALTROOT pacman -S openssh sudo
:; chroot $ALTROOT systemctl enable sshd
:; chroot $ALTROOT systemctl start sshd

This may require that you perform bind-mounts above, as well as "passthrough" the /var/cache/pacman/pkg from host to guest environment (in virsh edit, and bind-mount for chroot like for /proc et al above).

It is possible that virsh console would serve you better than chroot. Note you may have to first chroot to set the root password anyhow.


  • Q: Container won’t start, its virsh console says something like:

    Failed to create symlink /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls: Operation not permitted

    A: According to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1770763 (skip to the end for summary) this can happen when a newer Linux host system with cgroupsv2 capabilities runs an older guest distro which only knows about cgroupsv1, such as when hosting a CentOS 7 container on a Debian 11 server.

    • One workaround is to ensure that the guest systemd does not try to "join" host facilities, by setting an explicit empty list for that:

      :; echo 'JoinControllers=' >> "$ALTROOT/etc/systemd/system.conf"
    • Another approach is to upgrade systemd related packages in the guest container. This may require additional "backport" repositories or similar means, possibly maintained not by distribution itself but by other community members, and arguably would logically compromise the idea of non-regression builds in the old environment "as is".
  • Q: Server was set up with ZFS as recommended, and lots of I/O hit the disk even when application writes are negligible

    A: This was seen on some servers and generally derives from data layout and how ZFS maintains the tree structure of blocks. A small application write (such as a new log line) means a new empty data block allocation, an old block release, and bubble up through the whole metadata tree to complete the transaction (grouped as TXG to flush to disk).

    • One solution is to use discardable build workspaces in RAM-backed storage like /dev/shm (tmpfs) on Linux, or /tmp (swap) on illumos hosting systems, and only use persistent storage for the home directory with .ccache and .gitcache-dynamatrix directories.
    • Another solution is to reduce the frequency of TXG sync from modern default of 5 sec to conservative 30-60 sec. Check how to set the zfs_txg_timeout on your platform.